Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back again


It's Tuesday again, time is going fast. Maybe...too fast. But it's OK.

I played on my computer the whole weekend . The best game ever ...Sims 2 :) Don't look strange. It's a cool game :) OK, maybe it's not ment for my age, but I don't really care about that.
Well, I don't play that often on the computer, but let's say twice a week, or to tell you the truth it depends on my mood. I like all kind of games. Racing games, killing games, adventure games...My favourite was, or ....ok...I still like it.. Baldur's GateII. , Tomb Raider I-IV. ,Sims..and so on :)

Today we wrote an exam. It was OK. It was funny :)

I just discovered how to use a spellcheck ..wow...it's here on the toolbar. I can check English, German, Spanish...and every kind of language, that's very cool. First step, make a blog like this, and you will get a google toolbar, and there you have a "ABC check" sing, click on it, and it will help you, and check your messages. Awesome .

Joe, hope you are proud of me , that I discovered this :D well, OK, I saw it before too, but I was always shy to try it.

Well, that's for today. Have a nice night ..and a great week ..bye


Unknown said...

That's way cool, Andrea. Glad you've started using this tool. Happy writing and happy spelling!

Andika said...

Thanks :)