Friday, March 6, 2009

So soft...

Hello there!

Another week has ended. Nothing special happened. Only one thing. There was good weather. Yuppiiii....finally. The sun is shining, the wind is nice, the sky is blue, birds are singing.

Anyway, one of these beautiful days I was walking in Kaposvár. It was a perfect day. Perfect spring day. Walking down the street as I was viewing the shop-windows I saw something very cute. A NICI shop. Never go in that shop. It's evil . :) I tell you it's evil. It's full of cute and furry, and pink and blue and every kind of color things. It's actually seducing you. Like "Buy me, I am so adorable" Damn, and you buy it. :)

I was the next victim. I went in there. That was the first wrong step. I even looked around. Very bad decision. I even touched the things there- you know you can say good bye to your money at this point. I like plush toys very much, specially if it's very very soft. And believe me NICI products are more than soft :)

Well after 1 hour I don't wanna tell you how much money I spent and what I bought but I think I won't eat the next weeks :) Thank God I have some fellowship from University.

None the less, I like NICI products very much and always try to find the cheaper stuff. Even if I leave much money there I always leave the shop with a smiling face :)

Have a nice weekend!

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