Well, it's Sunday again. In a few hours I am going to leave Kaposvár again, and start my journey to Pécs. That's at least 1 and a half an hour of travelling, but I don't really care. For me it's fun to travel.
Anyway, the thing that I wanted to speak about is, that we made party again on Tuesday. I was just going on the corridor to get a drink, when all of a sudden who do I see? David, our English classmate, and than another English classmate and another and another :D I was like.." wow...ok...what's going on here? What's with all the people? " It was great to get known to them a bit more.
Anyway, the thing that I wanted to speak about is, that we made party again on Tuesday. I was just going on the corridor to get a drink, when all of a sudden who do I see? David, our English classmate, and than another English classmate and another and another :D I was like.." wow...ok...what's going on here? What's with all the people? " It was great to get known to them a bit more.
Just for the memories :) It was a nice night. I had my old friends there, and made new friends .
Sadly I have to go now, pack my things, and go to Pécs. Take care everybody, and have a nice day :)